
Luca Sanjust Di Teulada
Rocco Sanjust Di Teulada
Simone Cuccoli
Sebastiano Pompa

Via Petrolo, 30
IT - 52021 Mercatale Valdarno Arezzo


suolo e salute

Wine-growing region:

The Petrolo Estate was part of the old medieval fiefdom of “Galatrona”, the old tower of which still remains on top of Roman foundations as landmark of the winery. Petrolo was bought by the Bazzocchi family in the 40s. During the 80s Lucia Bazzocchi Sanjust, prominent figure in the Tuscan wine scene, realized the great potential of the soil on the hill of Petrolo and with the help of her son Luca, begun renovating the company’s production line aiming to obtain results of the highest quality. Luca Sanjust is now in charge of the company with the aim of nurturing the uniqueness of Petrolo’s great wines, promoting the newly remade Doc Val d’Arno di Sopra and sustain the role of the winegrower as guardian of the beauty and sustainable development of his land.
Petrolo is placed in Val d’ Arno di Sopra on the southeast side of the Chianti mountains bordering Chianti Classico. Val d’Arno di Sopra is a historical area recognized and delimited in 1716 by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo III de’ Medici as a particularly valuable land for wine and olive oil toghether with Chianti, Carmignano and Pomino (today Rufina). In 2011 the area was recognized the status of DOC Valdarno di Sopra.

Heres - Dolomia wine - Morandell - Avu - Terravigna

2021 Torrione

IGT Toscana Biologico
80 % Sangiovese, 15% Merlot, 5 % Cabernet Sauvignon
Red wine

Manual harvest in crates. Grapes selection with sorting table. Natural vinification with native yeasts in glazed concrete vats. Soft and frequent manual pumping over. Long macerations.
Spontaneous malo-lactic fermentation in wood. Maturation in concrete tanks, French oak 40Hl barrels, tonneaux and barriques.

2021 Galatrona

DOC Val d'Arno di Sopra Merlot Vigna Galatrona Biologico
100% Merlot
Red wine

Manual harvest in crates. Grapes selection with sorting table. Spontaneous fermentation with native yeasts in glazed concrete vats. Soft and frequent manual pumping over. Long macerations.
Spontaneous malo-lactic fermentation in wood. Maturation for about 18 months in rigourously selected French oak tonneaux and barriques, new for about a third. Constant batonnage of the fine lees for the first few months.

2022 Bòggina A

DOC Val d'Arno di Sopra Sangiovese Vigna Bòggina Biologico
100% Sangiovese
Red wine

In terracotta amphorae of 300 and 500 liters. Almost no sulfites added. Natural fermentation in amphorae with native yeast. Manual “cap” plunging. As fermentation ends, the amphorae are sealed with the skins for about an 8-month long maceration.
After the skins removal, the wine continues its aging in amphorae for about 5 months. Amphorae allow a similar microxygenation as barriques, avoiding reduction excesses and prevent barrique flavoring. During maturation sulphites are not added because the wine is naturally protected by the extended contact with the skins.

2021 Bòggina B

IGT Toscana Trebbiano Biologico
100% Trebbiano
White wine

Manual harvest in crates. Grapes selection with sorting table. Natural vinification with native yeasts in tonneaux.
“Sur lies” for over 15 months in specially selected French oak tonneaux. Constant batonnage during the first months, gradually decreased in the following ones. The wine is never racked until bottling.

2021 Bòggina C Riserva

DOC Val d'Arno di Sopra Sangiovese Vigna Bòggina Riserva Biologico
100% Sangiovese
Red wine

Manual harvest in crates. Grapes selection with sorting table. Natural vinification with native yeasts in glazed concrete vats. Soft and frequent manual pumping over. Long macerations whenever possible.
Spontaneous malo-lactic fermentation in wood. For about 16 months in rigorously selected French oak 22 Hl barrels and 7 Hl tonneaux.

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