
Località Ortacavoli SNC
IT - 56046 Riparbella Pisa





Wine-growing region:

Duemani is located in Riparbella, in the heart of the Province of Pisa. Located on the Costa Toscana, between the Tirreno sea and the Mediterranean maquis, the estate counts 12 hectares in total.
The company, founded in 2000, has immediately focused on organic farming, obtaining, over time, the Demeter biodynamic certification.
The first plants date back to 2001 and are biodynamic ab origine; in 2014 vines were planted on land of Castellina Marittima using exclusively biodynamic principles.
Cabernet Franc, Syrah, Merlot and Grenache are cultivated in the territory since the nineties.
All wines produced in Duemani are obtained following the principles of organic and biodynamic agriculture. They are obtained from fragrant and tasty grapes to give them a unique and recognizable character. Wines that must be appreciated and remembered with joy.
Duemani is part of Le Tenute del Leone Alato.

2022 Sì

IGP Costa Toscana Rosé
Syrah 100%
Rosé wine
Demeter certified

It has a bright antique pink color. The nose is rich in strawberries and cherries, light spices, clearly floral components, blueberries, even a
light tomato fragrance. On the palate it is fruity, sweet and elegant,
spreads pleasantly on the tongue, with great acidity and smooth fruit.

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Ha colore rosa antico brillante. Al naso è ricco di fragole e ciliegie, spezieleggere, componenti chiaramente floreali, mirtilli, anche una
leggera fragranza di pomodoro. Al palato è fruttato, dolce ed elegante,
si diffonde piacevolmente sulla lingua, con grande acidità e frutto levigato.

2022 Cifra

Costa Toscana Rosso IGP
Cabernet Franc
Red wine
Demeter certified

Intense ruby red. On the nose, notes of fruits of
mature dark woods such as cherry and cassis, as well as herbal aromas of lavender and a touch of musk.
An elegant Cabernet Franc with an unmistakable character, nice freshness, power and velvety tannins.

(auto translated text)

Rosso rubino intenso. Al naso, note di frutti di
bosco scuri maturi comeciliegia e cassis, oltre a aromi erbacei di lavanda e un tocco di muschio.
Un Cabernet Franc elegante con un carattere inconfondibile, bella freschezza, potenza e tannini vellutati.

2021 Altrovino

IGP Costa Toscana Rosso
Merlot, Cabernet Franc
Red wine
Demeter certified

Altrovino appears in the glass wearing a ruby dress
intense and lively. Nose of great breath and breadth, which immediately brings back to Mediterranean scrub, ripe plum, black pepper and friggitello, returning an iridescent and deep profile. The taste is material, a velvet glove that takes possession of the palate, satisfying it and at the same time refreshing it with balsamic returns and a right dose of freshness.

(auto translated text)

Altrovino si presenta nel calice con veste rubina
intensa e vivace. Naso di granderespiro e ampiezza, che riporta immediatamente alla macchia mediterranea, allaprugna matura, al pepe nero e al friggitello, restituendo un profilo cangiante e profondo.Il sorso è materico, un guanto di velluto che prende possesso del palato appagandolo eal contempo rinfrescandolo con ritorni balsamici ed una giusta dose di freschezza.

2021 Gpunto

IGP Costa Toscana Rosso
Red wine
Demeter certified

It has a more penetrable ruby red color than you would expect
from an important wine (typical characteristic of pure Grenache), on the palate
On the other hand, it is very intense and structured and on the nose it explodes in a bouquet of
red fruit and shades of licorice and spices.

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Ha un colore rosso rubino più penetrabile rispetto a quanto ci si aspetterebbe
da un vino importante (caratteristica tipica del Grenache in purezza), al palato
risulta invece molto intenso e strutturato e al naso esplode in un bouquet di
frutta rossa e sfumature di liquirizia e spezie.

2019 Suisassi

IGP Costa Toscana Rosso
Red wine
Demeter certified

Concentrated ruby dress. The olfactory register is a mix of berries, exotic spices, fern, potpourri, carcadè, gummy licorice, eucalyptus, cocoa and slate. Chewy and silky, it exudes a wide mineral breath, freshness and finely expressed tannins. Persistent, the suggestions perceived to the sense of smell return unchanged.
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Abito rubino concentrato. Il registro olfattivo è un mix di frutti di bosco, spezieesotiche,felce, pot-pourri, carcadè, liquirizia gommosa, ecucalipto, cacao eardesia. Masticabile e setoso, detona ampio respiro minerale, freschezza etannini finemente espressi. Persistente, ritornano inalterate le suggestioniavvertite all'olfatto.

2019 Duemani

IGP Costa Toscana Rosso
Cabernet Franc 100%
Red wine
Demeter certified

Inked with a vivid sparkling ruby. The nose wraps around with scents of fruit compote
reds, forest sensations, infusions of aromatic herbs, spices, bitter orange peel, slate and
Silvestrus tones. At the sip it explodes with grace and power, signature tannins and sparkling freshness
they support infinite persistence. Tasty

(auto translated text)

Inchiostrato di un vivido rubino scintillante. Al naso avvolge con sentori di composta di frutti
rossi, sensazioni boschive, infusi di erbe aromatiche, spezie, buccia d'arancia amara, ardesia e
toni silvestri. Al sorso esplode con grazia e potenza, tannini d'autore e scintillante freschezza
sostengono l'infinita persistenza. Gustoso

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