Azienda Agricola Arianna Occhipinti

Via dei Mille 55
IT - 97019 Vittoria Ragusa


Q Certificazioni

Wine-growing region:

A place where the earth, which turns red in the evening and is combed by the wind that arrives from the Iblei, leans on one side of a road: 1'SP68.”
It all started eighteen years ago in Fossa di Lupo. A magical place where the earth, which turns red in the evening and is combed by the wind that arrives from the Iblei, rests on one side on a road: the SP68.
A provincial road like many others, but with a special history. It was once made of stone, narrowed to little more than a path; three thousand years ago it connected Gela to Kamarina, as today it ran along the roads of Cerasuolo di Vittoria and from Caltagirone it continued to Catania and Lentini. There, squeezed between heaven and earth, the line of that road also marked the destiny of this company. The first hectare of land, next to the millstone of Fossa di Lupo, was followed by others. The company has also expanded into the districts of Bombolieri, Pettineo, Bastonaca, Santa Teresa, Serra d'Elia, Santa Margherita. A path that we have accompanied step by step by step, with the awareness that under the red sands of Vittoria, something special was hidden; limestone, tuff, chalk that over the years we have tried to express more and more in the wines, In Bombolieri the vineyard spreads out and hunches over the limestone base of the district, the vines are twenty or more years old, and the courtyard on which overlooking the cellar manages to trap all the solar power of the Iblei. Never as in this port do I feel I have traveled a coherent path. Today as never before, walking through the various districts up to Santa Margherita in Chiaramonte Gulfi, we feel we are carrying the past and the future with us at the same time. Our SP68 was the oldest wine road ever attested. Generations and generations of peasants had set out to bring their wine to the coast. We feel we are guardians of these agricultural landscapes, aware of our agricultural tradition and still looking to the future.

2023 Sp68 Rosso

I.g.t Terre Siciliane
70% Frappato - 30% Nero d'Avola
Red wine

SP68 is a road but also a young wine. Fresh and pleasant, with a delicate taste that brings with it the flavor of the sun and the freshness of this land.
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SP68 è una strada ma anche un vino giovane. Fresco e piacevole, con un gusto delicato che porta con sé il sapore del sole e la freschezza di questa terra.

2023 Sp68 Bianco

I.g.t Terre Siciliane
60% Moscato d'Alessandria - 40% Albanello
White wine

The name of a road, for a wine that is a journey. That of the farmers who already three thousand years ago left the countryside with the amphorae, and then the barrels, and inside the fruit of their work, the effort, the joy and still the smell of the earth. The farmers' journey, even today on their way to their vineyard, between meetings and words exchanged, under the clear sky of the Hyblaeans.
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Il nome di una strada, per un vino che è un viaggio. Quello dei contadini che già tremila anni fa partivano dalle campagne con le anfore, e poi le botti, e dentro il frutto del loro lavoro, la fatica, la gioia ancora l’odore della terra. Il viaggio degli agricoltori, anche oggi diretti alla loro vigna, tra incontri e parole scambiate, sotto il cielo limpido degli Iblei.

2022 Il Frappato

I.g.t Terre Siciliane
Red wine

Frappato was born from my dream as a girl to make a wine that knew about the land I work on, the air I breathe, and my own thoughts. It's sour, sanguine and elegant. It's Victoria and the Hyblaean Mountains. It is the wine that most resembles me, courageous, original and rebellious. He has peasant origins, which is why he loves his roots and the past that he carries inside.
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Il Frappato nasce dal mio sogno di ragazza di fare un vino che sapesse della terra che lavoro, dell’aria che respiro, e dei miei stessi pensieri. È aspro, sanguigno ed elegante. È Vittoria e i monti Iblei. È il vino che più mi somiglia, coraggioso, originale e ribelle. Ha origini contadine, per questo ama le sue radici e il passato che si porta dentro.

2021 PT

I.g.t Terre Siciliane
Red wine

The Chiusa is about 60 years old and is an old tree that the previous owner transformed into an espalier, making plants that now also have monumental shapes climb through the trellises. Chiusa wines are usually fruity with a silkier tannin and a sustained acidity.
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La Chiusa ha circa 60 anni ed è un vecchio alberello che il precedente proprietario trasformò in spalliera, facendo arrampicare tra i tralicci le piante che ora hanno anche forme monumentali. I vini della chiusa sono solitamente fruttati con un tannino più setoso e un’acidità sostenuta.

2022 BB

I.g.t Terre Siciliane
Red wine

Here the lands vary from brown to white, but the surface layer of sand is much smaller, only 25 cm. Just below are solid limestone rocks. A part of the district has a more clay-calcareous soil, visually white on the surface, and it is here, in the Vigna Strada, that this wine is born, floral, frank and with great acidity.
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Qui le terre variano dal castano al bianco, ma lo strato di sabbia superficiale è decisamente inferiore, solo 25 cm. Appena sotto si trovano rocce calcaree solide. Una parte della contrada ha un suolo più argillo-calcareo, visivamente bianco in superficie, ed è qui, nella Vigna Strada che nasce questo vino, floreale, schietto e di grande acidità.

2019 Grotte Alte

D.o.c.g Cerasuolo di Vittoria Classico
50% Frappato - 50% Nero d'Avola
Red wine

Grotte Alte is a place: the limestone ridges on which Vittoria stands. But it's also a wine, my Cerasuolo di Vittoria, made from Frappato and Nero d'Avola grapes. It is a Mediterranean wine that preserves the sapidity of the sea and all the air and temperature changes of the Hyblaean mountains. It is harmonious and has experienced a long aging period. It is perhaps the most ambitious of my wines.
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Grotte Alte è un luogo: i costoni di roccia calcarea sui quali si regge Vittoria. Ma è anche un vino, il mio Cerasuolo di Vittoria, da uve Frappato e Nero d’Avola. È un vino mediterraneo che conserva la sapidità del mare e tutta l’aria e le escursioni termiche dei monti Iblei. È armonioso e ha conosciuto un lungo invecchiamento. Forse è il più ambizioso dei miei vini.

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