Federico Stefini
Giulio Salti
Marco Benedini
Liseth Aling
via Galileo Galilei 44
IT - 25046 Cazzago San Martino
Wine-growing region:
Ours is a story of land and people, united by ideals, passions and emotions.
Such as the rediscovery of nature, love for agriculture, choosing biodynamics as an approach to the earth and to life in general, understanding what a terroir can express through the promotion of its biodiversity.
This absolute bond with nature propelled us to abolish the use of synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides.
We decided to adhere to clean farming, one that respects the environment, improving and enriching the soils. And above all, that allows us to produce natural wine with a unique taste.
Making high quality wines, that are innovative and traditional at the same time, is the goal we set ourselves from the beginning when we bought the farm from the Conti Bettoni Cazzago family in 2011. The name of the estate, 1701, is a reference to the first vintage of a wine produced from the "Brolo": a picturesque vineyard on the estate framed by walls from the 11th century.
We are siblings Silvia and Federico Stefini, who have always been passionate about wine and about Franciacorta in particular. Together with Marco, Giulio and Andrea we work our vineyards according to the principles that unite us and in which we firmly believe.
Visconti 43
Franciacorta docg
Chardonnay e Pinot Nero
Demeter certified
Franciacorta Brut was born from the perfect union between the balance of Chardonnay and the character and the ancestral strength of Pinot Noir. A combination of exceptional raw materials. With its full and broad taste balanced by high acidity, this wine is the perfect ambassador of the winery's oenological choices.
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Il Franciacorta Brut nasce dall’unione perfetta tra l’equilibrio dello Chardonnay e il carattere e la forza ancestrale del Pinot Nero. Un connubio di materie prime eccezionali. Con il suo gusto pieno e ampio bilanciato da un’elevata acidità, questo vino è il perfetto ambasciatore delle scelte enologiche della cantina.
Curtefranca doc
White wine
Demeter certified
Pure Chardonnay from our Brolo vineyard, 3 hectares surrounded by 11th century walls, vinified in French oak barrels aged for 12 months.
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Chardonnay in purezza dal nostro vigneto Brolo, 3 ettari cinti da mura dell'XI secolo, vinificato in barriques di rovere francese con affinamento di 12 mesi.
Franciacorta docg
Pinot Nero
Demeter certified
No compromise in the choice to vinify pure Pinot Noir, a choice that gives an aromatic scent with surprising hints of cinchona and a rare gustatory balance. A small production, about 3000 bottles a year, for this Franciacorta, which comes from the Collina vineyard. Wine awarded as TOP WINE - SLOW WINE by the Slow Wine Guide 2024.
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Nessun compromesso nella scelta di vinificare il Pinot Nero in purezza, una scelta che regala un profumo aromatico con sorprendenti sentori di china e un raro equilibrio gustativo. Una piccola produzione, circa 3000 bottiglie l’anno, per questo Franciacorta che nasce dal vigneto Collina. Vino premiato come TOP WINE - VINO SLOW dalla Guida Slow Wine 2024.
Franciacorta docg
Chardonnay e Pinot Nero
Demeter certified
The result of a patient and scrupulous selection of the best Chardonnay and Pinot Noir collected only from our historic Brolo vineyard. Only the best of the grapes and only in the best years, with an exceptional aging on the lees for at least 60 months.
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Frutto di una paziente e scrupolosa selezione del migliore Chardonnay e Pinot Nero raccolto solo dal nostro storico vigneto Brolo. Solo il meglio delle uve e solo nelle annate migliori, con un eccezionale affinamento sui lieviti di minimo 60 mesi.
Vino frizzante
vino frizzante
Demeter certified
Sur Lie wine obtained from the vinification of Chardonnay grapes in steel using indigenous yeasts. Refermented in the bottle with the must of the same grapes. It is not disgorged, it is not dosed and it is bottled without microfiltration, which is why it keeps a good percentage of yeasts in suspension.
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Vino Sur Lie ottenuto dalla vinificazione di uve Chardonnay in acciaio con l’utilizzo di lieviti indigeni. Rifermentato in bottiglia con il mosto delle stesse uve. Non viene sboccato, non viene dosato ed è imbottigliato senza microfiltrazione, per questo mantiene in sospensione una buona percentuale di lieviti.