La Raia Societa' Agricola

Strada Monterotondo, 79
IT - 15067 Novi Ligure Alessandria




Wine-growing region:

In 2003, Giorgio Rossi Cairo and his family acquired the farms of La Raia, within the gentle hills of Gavi, in southern Piedmont. Immediately the children suggested engaging in the biodynamic – organic approach an approach coherent with the desire of creating a balanced and harmonious place in all its components: agricultural and landscape, but also architectural, social and cultural.
La Raia was born from that intuition, a biodynamic Demeter certified farm, which now extends over 180 hectares. Other projects were added to La Raia’s farming activities during the years: a Waldorf school, managed by Caterina Rossi Cairo with the “Cascina del Melo” association and portaNatura, an initiative wanted by her husband Tom Dean, devoted to production, sale and home delivery organic goods.
We recently completed the renovation of Borgo Merlassino, today an agriturismo, and in 2017, Locanda La Raia has opened its doors: once a place where wayfarers could rest and
get some food, Locanda offers a new idea of hospitality made of simplicity and relaxed pace, with discreet and dedicated service. In 2013 Giorgio and his family established the Fondazione La Raia arte cultura territorio (La Raia Foundation– art culture territory) with the aim of nationally promoting a critical reflection over the vast topic of landscape. Artists, intellectuals and landscape architects are called to intervene on the location in order to create a chance of further interpretation and new identity.


cortese 100%
White wine
Demeter certified

It is the Gavi that interprets the tradition of the territory and that identifies the typicality of the Cortese grape from which it comes.
A GAVI DOCG with a straw yellow color, with slightly greenish reflections. On the nose, it expresses a mineral scent of particular finesse, it expresses aromas of fruit and white flowers.
In the mouth it is lively, balanced, with fresh acidity that amplifies its persistence and promotes drinkability, with a slightly almond finish.
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È il Gavi che interpreta la tradizione del territorio e che identifica la tipicità del vitigno Cortese da cui proviene.
Un GAVI DOCG dal colore giallo paglierino, con riflessi lievemente verdognoli. All'olfatto esprime sentore minerale di particolare finezza, esprime aromi di frutta e fiori bianchi.
In bocca è vivo, equilibrato, dotato di fresca acidità che ne amplifica la persistenza e ne favorisce la bevibilità, con finale leggermente ammandorlato.

2020 GAVI DOCG Riserva Vigna della Madonnina

White wine
Demeter certified

The slightly overripe harvested grapes, well distinguished by their golden yellow color, deliver a wine with notes
complex olfactory aromas of ripe fruit, honey and candied fruits. A GAVI with a rich, dry, harmonious taste, pleasant on the palate, sapid, with a persistent and warm finish.
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Le uve raccolte leggermente surmature, ben contraddistinte dalla colorazione giallo dorata, consegnano un vino dalle note
olfattive complesse di frutta matura, miele e canditi. Un GAVI dal gusto ricco, secco, armonico, gradevole al palato, sapido, con finale persistente e caldo.

2019 GAVI DOCG "Pisé"

Cortese 100%
White wine
Demeter certified

It is the best representation of the company. It is surprising for its longevity and its olfactory evolution in the days following the opening: a continuous discovery of scents that are released over time. Since the 2018 vintage, he has another surprise in store: a passage in oak barrels.
A pale straw yellow Gavi, with slight greenish reflections.
Intense nose, complex scents, floral notes accompanied by sensations of ripe fruit, pear and honey. A light vanilla is added.
Wine with a very rich, warm and harmonious taste, with a moderate but present acidity, justly sapid, with a persistent and warm finish. Wine of great evolution.
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È la miglior rappresentazione dell'azienda. Sorprende per la sua longevità e la sua evoluzione olfattiva nei giorni successivi l’apertura: una continua scoperta di profumi che si sprigionano nel tempo. Dall’annata 2018 riserva un’ulteriore sorpresa: un passaggio in botte di rovere.
Un Gavi dal colore giallo paglierino scarico, con lievi riflessi verdognoli.
Naso intenso, si avvertono sentori complessi, note floreali accompagnate da sensazioni di frutta matura, pera e miele. Si aggiunge una leggera vaniglia.
Vino con un gusto molto ricco, caldo e armonico, con un’acidità moderata, ma presente, giustamente sapido, con finale persistente e caldo. Vino di grande evoluzione.


Red wine
Demeter certified

The typical Piedmontese red wine. It presents the right balance between freshness and minerality.
Ruby-garnet red wine, with violet reflections and intense, floral olfactory notes reminiscent of roses and small undergrowth fruits. Full, harmonious, warm taste, with a pleasant and savory finish.
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Il tipico vino rosso piemontese. Presenta il giusto equilibrio tra freschezza e mineralità.
Vino dal colore rosso rubino granato, con riflessi violacei e note olfattive intense, floreali che ricordano la rosa e piccoli frutti di sottobosco. Gusto pieno, armonico, caldo, con finale gradevole e sapido.


Red wine
Demeter certified

A classic and unexpected grape variety for the Gavi hills, an elegant and direct interpretation in limited production.
A ruby red wine with delicate violet reflections. Notes of raspberries, bouquet of rose and violet.
The taste is fresh, harmonious, balanced, with retrolfactory notes with red fruits that evoke the sweetness of wood.
(auto translated text)

Un vitigno classico e inaspettato per le colline del Gavi, un’interpretazione elegante e diretta in produzione limitata.
Un vino dal colore rosso rubino con delicati riflessi violacei. Note di lamponi, bouquet di rosa e violetta.
Al gusto si presenta fresco, armonico, equilibrato, note retrolfattive che riportano frutti rossi che evocano la dolcezza del legno.

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