
Sankt Andräer Straße 7
AT - 7132 Frauenkirchen Burgenland


Fair´n Green

Wine-growing region:

Umathum winery is mostly known for its authentic red wines like Zweigelt, Sankt Laurent and Blaufränkisch which are available as elegant classic wines as well as characterful single vineyard selections. Josef Umathum produces also some fascinating white wines. He has reestablished the original Pannonian white grape variety Lindenblättriger (linden leaf) in Burgenland region and furthermore works with rare varieties like Gelber Traminer and Pinot Gris. A vast diversity of soil types like schist, limestone, clay and gravels is being cultivated on both sides of Lake Neusiedl. The most important single vineyard sites are Ried Hallebühl (Zweigelt), Vom Stein (Sankt Laurent), Haideboden (regional blend) and Kirschgarten (Blaufränkisch) the last is situated in the only stone-terraced vineyard in Burgenland region.

Ossanna GmbH, Eisackstraße 11, 39049 Wiesen-Pfitsch

2021 Lindenblättriger

White wine

Light golden yellow, intense note of yellow pears and linden blossoms, salty, spicy, lingering on the palate
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Helles Goldgelb, intensive Note nach gelben Birnen und Lindenblüten, salzig, pikante Würze, schwingt lang am Gaumen

2020 Haideboden

Zweigelt 75 %, Blaufränkisch 15 %, Cabernet 10 %
Red wine

intense garnet red, aromas of currants and cherries on the nose, which are reflected on the palate, fine smoky note, full-bodied and mild
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intensives Granatrot, in der Nase Aromen von Johannisbeeren und Kirschen, die sich am Gaumen widerspiegeln, feine rauchige Note, vollmundig und mild

2020 Pinot Noir - Unter den Terrassen

Pinot Noir
Red wine

Brick red color, raspberries on the nose and light, red fruits, which alternate with dark, slightly smoky aromas and are reflected on the palate, elegant spice with hints of chocolate, full-bodied with a long finish
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Ziegelrote Farbe, in der Nase zunächst Himbeeren und helle, rote Früchte, die sich mit dunklen, leicht rauchigen Aromen wechseln und am Gaumen widerspiegeln, elegante Würze mit Anklängen von Schoko, vollmundig mit langem Abgang

2019 Ried Hallebühl, Zweigelt

Red wine

Intense ruby red color; dark cherries and raspberries on the nose, fine notes of chocolate and vanilla, these aromas are reflected on the palate, extremely long aftertaste.
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Intensive rubinrote Farbe; in der Nase dunkle Kirschen und Himbeeren, feine Schoko- und Vanillenote, diese Aromen spiegeln sich am Gaumen wider, extrem langer Nachgeschmack.

2017 Kirschgarten, Blaufränkisch

Red wine

Dark ruby red color, dark cherry aromas with a fine note of graphite, on the palate blackberries and dark cherries, full-bodied with a fine and very long aftertaste
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Dunkle Rubinrote Farbe, im Duft dunkle Kirscharomen mit feiner Note nach Graphit, am Gaumen Brombeeren und dunkle Kirschen, vollmundig mit feinem und sehr langem Nachgeschmack

2017 Vom Stein, Sankt Laurent

Sankt Laurent
Red wine

intense garnet red, notes of cocoa beans on the nose, spicy on the palate, herbal with raspberry notes, fine and long
(auto translated text)

intensives Granatrot, Anklänge von Kakaobohnen in der Nase, am Gaumen würzig, kräutrig mit Himbeernoten, fein und lang

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