Weingut Bründlmayer

Zwettler Straße 23
AT - 3550 Langenlois Niederösterreich

+43(0)2734 21720



Wine-growing region:


The name Bründlmayer has become a synonym for absolutely reliable top quality.
Vineyards in the best sites around Langenlois are the solid capital. Besides, the family relies on the support of a team of selected professionals. Willi Bründlmayer leads the family estate together with his wife Edwige, Thomas Klinger and Master of Wine Andreas Wickhoff.

When Willi Bründlmayer took over his parents’ winery, he introduced a policy of ecological winegrowing. Synthetic fertilizers are waived since 1979. The vineyards are cultivated sustainably, following the Austrian Programme of Sustainable Agriculture and since 2015 in a biological-organic way, certified by LACON. The management of natural resources – soil, sun, water and plants – follows simple and sensible procedures.

Willi is an advocate of the Lyra-training system (30%) by which the vine is cut in a Y-shape in two parts just over the ground. This creates two foliage walls, which allow for better light and airing conditions.

All grapes are hand-picked in small cases of 20 kg. Wines are fermented cool but not cold. The cellar offers all possibilities for regulated winemaking, although the goal is certainly not a polished „high tech“ wine.

Italy: Vino & Design srl
Stockists: https://www.bruendlmayer.at/en/buy/stockists/

2016 Bründlmayer Blanc de Noirs - Extra Brut Reserve

Niederösterreich g.U.
Pinot Noir

The Pinot Noir grapes for the Blanc de Noirs stem from various vineyard sites around Langenlois, mainly those on southeast slopes with calcareous soils, which lend depth and at the same time freshness to the base-wine.

The acidity and maturity of the grapes were at the exact point of readiness when they were picked and placed in small crates and then pressed very gently in the cellar. The must fermented in stainless steel tanks, underwent also malolactic fermentation before the resulting base wine being racked into used Austrian oak barrels (300 - or 2.500- litres) with 10% of the total yeast.

Only in 2018, the base wine was bottled (‘tirage’) for its 2nd fermentation. The young sparkling wine then stayed in contact with the yeast for at least another 45 months (‘sur lattes’) before undergoing riddling (‘remuage’) and finally ‘disgorgement’ in our cellars.

Especially dry sparkling wines are seducing an increasing number of ‘aficionados’ who prefer to indulge in purism. Even more than our Brut Reserves, with their discrete (& secret) dosages rounding and enriching the taste, our Blanc de Noirs reflects the character of grapes and soils.

2023 Ried Berg Vogelsang Grüner Veltliner

Kamptal DAC
Grüner Veltliner
White wine

The Langenloiser Berg Vogelsang is a part of the Loiserberg. The vineyard bends towards the southwest and borders a mixed forest. Its name literally translated “Hill Bird Song” still hosts a diverse population of birds.

The soil consists of a variety of mica schist called “Gföhler Gneis” some of the amphibolite stones in the vineyards may even contain garnets.

Grapes are normally harvested physiologically ripe in late September or October. The wine is fermented at semi-cool temperatures between 15° to 20° C before being racked into large neutral oak casks for a few weeks of further maturation on the lees. To retain its primary fruit this Veltliner is bottled rather early, just at the point when the acidity has lost its aggressive touch.

2021 Ried Spiegel 1 ÖTW Erste Lage Vincent Grüner Veltliner

Kamptal DAC
Grüner Veltliner
White wine

The name of the vineyard „Spiegel“ (mirror) is said to derive from Latin “spectaculum”(“look-out”). In the ancient times of the “Limes”, the Romans probably used the spot to observe the Germanic tribes to the north of the Danube. However, still up to now most of the folks think that the name is linked to the convex vaulting of the 300-meter hill, a kind of “mirror” to the sky.
The vineyards occupy an elongate ridge in the south of Langenlois. The deep, calcareous soils here are derived from a thick underlying layer of loess with a balanced mineral composition. Occasional thin layers of sandy gravels and paleosols indicate different climatic phases during the deposition of the loess.

This vineyard perfectly suited for red wine, also bears old Grüner Veltliner vines that produce wines with a unique weight, concentration, and extract sweetness. Vincent Bründlmayer took over this Grüner Veltliner vineyard from his family in 2010 and produced his first “Vincents Spiegel” in 2011.

After whole cluster pressing, the must fermented on the full lees in one new Austrian (2500l) and two French (300l) oak barrels, followed by only little stirring until Christmas and then left in peace until racking into steel tank in July 2022. It remained there on the fine lees until filling in spring 2023.

2021 Ried Heiligenstein 1ÖTW Erste Lage Riesling Alte Reben

Kamptal DAC
White wine

From a historic point of view the Zöbinger Heiligenstein is not only the earliest documented but probably also the most interesting site of Kamptal. The soil consists of approximately 270 Mio. years old Perm desert sandstone. The sediments contain volcanic inclusions and carbonized remains of primeval vegetation. The uniqueness of this soil, its perfect gradient and position provide ideal preconditions for growing outstanding wines. During the day warm winds mount along the site whereas by nightfall cool gusts from the north start blowing through the Kamp Valley and bring forward the aromatic expression of the grapes.
The Bründlmayer family owns 12 hectares right in the center of the Zöbinger Heiligenstein. About 20% of the vineyards are trained in the Lyra trellis system. The other Heiligenstein vines are raised by the traditional Guyot method with the berries hanging 50 to 60 centimeters above the ground.
We ferment the must in stainless steel at a temperature of 15 to 20° C. After fermentation, the wine matures on the lees till bottling in summer.

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