Nikolaihof Wachau

2015 Nikolaihof Riesling Baumpresse

White wine
Demeter certified

With a 12-meter long press tree, the 250-year-old tree press is the largest still in existence in the world. In a pressing process lasting over ten hours, the gentle giant presses grapes that mature into wines of exceptional character. | With a 12-meter-long press beam, the 250-year-old wine press is the largest still existing in the world. The gentle giant presses the grapes for over ten hours, which then mature to wines of exceptional character.
(auto translated text)

Mit einem 12 Meter langen Pressbaum ist die 250 Jahre alte Baumpresse die größte noch existierende der Welt. Der sanfte Riese presst in einem über zehnstündigen Pressvorgang Trauben, die zu Weinen außergewöhnlichen Charakters heranreifen. | With a 12-meter-long press beam, the 250-year-old wine press is the largest still existing in the world. The gentle giant presses the grapes for over ten hours, which then mature to wines of exceptional character.